Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"socio: cómplice: infrarrealista hermanito nuestro"

Honestly, I dislike topics like “the greatest Chilean of all time", I remember a tv show about that topic. And also i remember a Nicanor Parra's poem:

"Los cuatro grandes poetas de Chile/ 
son tres:/ 
Alonso de Ercilla y Rubén Darío" 

And it's funny because the strength of the poem is on the nationality of Ercilla and Darío, Spanish and Nicaraguan respectively. I'm not sure about who could be the greatest Chilean of all time, but I admire the work and life of Roberto Bolaño. And isn’t a coincidence that I write about that Parra’s poem, because Bolaño work with that poem talking about exile, literature, nationality and how a country fight to appropriate of a writer, poet or anything else.

Bolaño lived, almost, all his life in México or Spain, or simply out of Chile, but his work made possible the “novel” in Chile, because Chile is a poet’s country, but the novel here is a weak topic. He wrote about adolescence and exile, mainly set in México because he live his teen years there, but the teaching in his books, named a different exile first, because exile is leave a country, but also, leave a city, leave your house and most important leave your youth, burn the poems and start to write novels, there is and exile there. And in other hand the adolescence happens everywhere, because also the nationality is not a country for a writer, is his memories, and these are better hide.

He died in 2003, but anyway, if I could ask something, probably I would ask him about Mario Santiago, the Mexican poet, maybe his best friend, and he died in 1998, and Bolaño wrote many times about him. He appears in Los Detectives Salvajes, as Ulises Lima, and is probably one of his most interesting characters created. Because in real life he was one of the weirdest and greatest peoples that I never heard.

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